The Color Red

The color red… the color most often associated with Valentine’s Day… the color associated with our hearts… the color associated with love. Valentine’s Day infuses the color red. Even though shades of red such as pink, rose or fuchsia blend into the holiday’s color scheme, red remains the dominant color.

Red roses delivered—opening your nostrils with one whiff of their sweet-smelling aroma. Red boxes full of milk or dark chocolate candy—delighting your taste buds and destroying your waist line. Red Hallmark cards with words of love and adoration mailed or presented—awakening a myriad of heart fluttering and uplifting emotions. Red items in restaurants such as tables, linen, center pieces, or menus decorated—enticing you to spend well beyond your usual dinner tab. Red clothing worn—signifying your celebration of this day.

All of these Valentine’s gestures symbolize love. They reveal to someone your love for them. The depth of that love usually dictates the price of that love… the amount the person is willing to pay whether for roses, candy, cards, restaurant meals or other tokens of love. 

But another color of red epitomized the essence of true love… the red blood of Jesus Christ! This color red represents the greatest demonstration of love. 

God’s plan delivered… providing a way of salvation for all mankind.

Jesus’ life given… laying down His life for the sins of the world.

God’s instructions presented… giving us His Word on how to live an abundant joyous life.

Our heavenly homes decorated… preparing places for us with streets lined of gold.

White garments worn… signifying our celebration of being clothed in Jesus’ righteousness!

The red blood of Jesus represents the ultimate sacrifice of love anyone can make. It cost Him His life, and He willingly paid the price because of His indescribable love for you and me. Red roses wither… candy eaten… cards tossed or lost… meals suffice until hunger hits again… and clothes change or wear out, but Jesus’ love never ends… it remains forever! 

I don’t know about you, but no amount of roses, candy, cards, meals, clothing or any token of earthly love can ever outmatch the love given from the red blood of Jesus. He paid the ultimate price… His life… showing us the depth of His love. The color red reminds me that I am forever loved, not just on Valentine’s Day, but every day. Why? Simply …