The Proof of the Prints

When my sons Branden and Ryan were young, I would go all out at Easter time. I decorated my house with green grass, plastic eggs, and other Easter paraphernalia. I dyed six dozen eggs! Yes, seventy-two eggs. I never knew why six dozen, but it started with my mother dying that number for us when we were kids. I simply continued the tradition. I did it with my grandchildren when they lived here in Texas and I still do it with them even though they live in Sunrise, Florida. Thank God for technology that allows us to have these moments together. I realize it sounds crazy, but these activities bring back so many lovely memories.

As I put up my Easter decorations this year, I chuckled at something else I used to do when my boys were very young. I would cut out “rabbit paws,” put baby powder on them, and make footprints in the carpet which started from an outside door to the family room. The footprints led to their Easter baskets.

Branden and Ryan got up Sunday morning before getting ready for church and followed the footprints with great anticipation. They knew what the footprints meant. With childlike faith, they believed the Easter bunny left them a basket full of goodies simply because of the prints left behind. The delight in their eyes portrayed their joy. This tradition ceased when they became of age to understand the true meaning of Easter—the resurrection of Jesus Christ! And I’m so thankful that both my sons have a relationship with the Lord.

So why do devoted disciples of Jesus Christ get up Easter Sunday and every Sunday with great anticipation? Why do we sing praises to His name with sheer delight and joy? Not simply because Jesus died on the cross for our sins. But because He got up out of the grave after three days. The proof of His resurrection lies in His prints!

After His resurrection, Luke 24 tells of His appearance to two travelers on the road to Emmaus. They were discouraged and hopeless and did not recognize Jesus. Jesus walked with them and explained things concerning Himself in the Scriptures. They invited Him to stay with them because it was getting late and Jesus accepted. When they reclined at the table to eat, Jesus took bread, blessed it, broke it, and gave it to them. At that point, their eyes were opened. Jesus revealed Himself with the prints on His hands.

Later on, they gathered with the eleven disciples and others to relate their experiences and Jesus stood in their midst. They thought they saw a spirit. Verse 38-40 states, “And He said to them, ‘Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your hearts? See My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself; touch Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.’ And when He had said this, He showed them His hands and His feet.”

Sadly, many travelers in this life still doubt the resurrection of Jesus Christ. If they will open their hearts and eyes to the truth, Jesus will reveal Himself to them. Let me assure you that Jesus lives today, and the proof of Jesus’ resurrection lies in the prints. We know what the prints lead to. Not an Easter basket of goodies, but so much more. The prints mean salvation for all who with childlike faith believe. The prints mean eternal life with Jesus and the Father.

I don’t know about you, but I look forward to Easter with great anticipation. Not because of the eggs, candy, other paraphernalia, or any other Easter traditions, but I know what Jesus’ hands and feet prints mean. The prints cancelled our sin debt because Jesus paid it all on the cross. And because He did, I never need to worry about my eternal destination. Why? Simply …

Have a Blessed Easter and Share the Proof of the Prints!