Posts tagged cry
His Death…Our Gain

I fell on my last round of jogging the day before Thanksgiving of last year. I got up, looked to see if anyone saw the fall, brushed off the blood on my right knee, and ran on home. Another fall…the third one that year…no big deal…so I thought. The pain started in my left shoulder Thanksgiving Day while preparing dinner. I tried to self-heal for a month, but it got much worse. Finally, after the pain grew unbearable, I sought medical help. X-rays and a MRI revealed the dreaded diagnoses.

Monday, February 17th, after hearing I tore a tendon on my rotary cup requiring surgery and 5-6 months of physical therapy, my husband and I walked out of the orthopedic surgeon’s office and got in the car. I turned my head towards the window to hide the tears welling up in my eyes.

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