20/20 Vision
2020 brings in a new decade, a new year, new desires, new outlooks, and new beginnings, and with my upcoming eye exam, I desire 20/20 “perfect vision”. However, at my age, my eyesight lacks these numbers as I read the dreaded eye chart.
The eye chart measures visual acuity, which reveals the clearness or sharpness of your vision. The top number represents your distance in feet from the chart. The bottom number indicates the distance at which a person with normal eyesight can read the same line.
A person with 20/20 vision can see what an average individual can see on an eye chart when they stand 20 feet away. For example, if you have 20/30 vision, it means your vision is worse than average. Twenty feet away, you can read letters most people see from 30 feet. If you have 20/15 vision, it means your vision is sharper than average. You can see a line in the eye chart at 20 feet that the average person can only see when they stand 15 feet away.
Visual acuity of 20/20 is considered “perfect vision” but really means normal vision because no aids are required to see better. Eyeglasses or contacts help bring a person’s vision to 20/20. For me, I fall in the 20/40 vision range which means I am nearsighted and see at 20 feet what a person with normal vision sees at 40 feet. So, even though my vision falls short of “perfect”, I wear eyeglasses and contact lenses because I still desire to see clearly.
What about your spiritual vision? The Bible measures our spiritual clarity or sharpness of His word. Do you desire to have “perfect spiritual vision”…to see Him more clearly? Do you see or understand what an average individual sees or comprehends when you read scripture? Over the years, is your studying of His word better than average or worse than average? Do you need or use aids to help you see through spiritual eyes better?
I wonder how much we really want to see clearly what the Lord wants us to see this year. I wonder if we will take the necessary steps to correct our faulty view of Him and His power to rule every aspect of our lives. I wonder if we desire “perfect vision” of our “perfect God”.
The Lord provides aids for us to use such as pastors, teachers, Bible commentaries and dictionaries, study guides, study groups, and study partners. But, our greatest resource lies with the Holy Spirit who lives inside of us and illuminates God’s word to us. God provided this divine process whereby He causes the written revelation, His word, to be understood by the human heart.
Sometimes we miss so much when God brings newness into our lives because we fail to open our eyes to a greater understanding of Him. Remember the story of Elisha when the king of Aram warred against Israel and sent horses and chariots and a great army to circle the city. Elisha’s servant cried out in despair as he looked upon the great army. Elisha answered in 2 Kings 6:16-17. “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Then Elisha prayed and said, “O LORD, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” And the LORD opened the servant’s eyes, and he saw and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
I don’t know about you, but in 20/20, I desire to have “perfect spiritual vision” of my “perfect father.” As I hear and read God’s revealed word, I pray for the Holy Spirit’s illumination so that my understanding and clarity of His word increases. I want the Lord to open my eyes to see all that He wants me to see this year. Why? Simply…