Before the birth of our first child, my career aspirations took third place… Jesus, husband, career. When our baby daughter Shawn passed within a month, the order changed… Jesus, husband, children, career.
Read MoreMy father followed this instruction with me, so disciplining my sons came naturally. But as “NanaCUTE,” I find it difficult to watch my son, Ryan, discipline my grandchildren. I try to warn them of the impending danger before it happens. The girls usually listen, but my grandson, Judgy… let’s just say, he seems to enjoy testing the limits… until…
Read MoreOn this Mother’s Day, I reflected on the years spent with my two sons. Although grown now, Ryan and Branden said and did things when they were younger that still penetrate my heart today. As I thought of them, I chuckled, smiled, and even cried. I periodically remind them of two unfulfilled promises below. The walk back in time triggered precious memories and what I perceived as wishful words from them.
Read MoreYou may not have given natural birth to children, but you can still birth life into them. If you pour encouragement, knowledge, wisdom into them, or make a positive impact on a young person’s life, you can claim the title of Mother.
Read MoreWe received the call Friday morning, December 20, 2019. “It doesn’t look good…she doesn’t have much time. She’s on a CPAP for a while, but after the doctor removes it, she will have about 12-24 hours.” Our hearts sank as we scurried to pack and make travel arrangements to Columbia, S.C. Upon landing in Charlotte, we picked up the rental car with plenty of time for the hour drive to Columbia and the hospital. So we thought…
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